Nothing new under the sun but hey, what is
working is working right? So basically I got a 2.0 version of Joss Stirling
Savant series. Hence, I can’t help but compare them a tiny bit.
It kinda depends on your state of mind
since it is dripping with love kisses and all kind of girlish trash that you
can ever imagine, just what I needed after a marathon of plain urban fantasy
young adult novels. Even if you are not inspired by new blood boiling upbeat
story that takes you to the pinnacle of pleasure you have to make it with good
old school retellings of your favourite themes. And that’s just what I did.
Supernatural abilities? Check. Powerful love interest? Check. Evil branch of
opposing families waging war upon each other hating one another till last blood?
Check. I didn’t miss anything in the world.
Caleb and Maggie is the presentation of how
a functioning relationship is supposed to work so I was having a bath in it and
I was drooling all over the ebook papers. (I need to check upon myself ‘cause
my tablet doesn’t take moisture very well.) I loved Caleb protectiveness and
the passion was coming in waves towards me from the chapters that my hardly
could bear. They were stucked together 24/7 for my greatest pleasure and Caleb
kept saying things that normal average girls would crave to hear so hell yeah,
I loved this book so much. There were teeny tiny annoying things that didn’t
make this outstanding and it does definitely not outdo the Benedict/Savant
family but I cannot care for the moment. Like Kyle and Chad. Seriously? Their
reasoning did not make sense whatsoever. And the worst part is that their
characters do not have personalities. Those are the kind of papercharacters in
a papertown telling papershit from a papermanual. Doesn’t feel real at all,
which kind of sad. And the paperpeople do not stop coming in flocks. Bish, the
granny, the cousin, the other great great great someone whoever and it doesn’t
seem to end for a while. I wonder what they are supposed to replace. The
originality of the story maybe? But you can count on one thing like a common
treat for all of them: they are all obsessed with Maggie in general and nobody is
willing to admit that Caleb is any good for her. So basically the book is 450 pages because of the same paraphrased mocking sentences of Caleb embellished by
a couple of ‘Do not dare touch her or you’ll die’-s and ‘if you screw her over,
you’ll not live any longer’-s . Fascinating, right?
4 out of 5 ( because the story caught me in
the right place in the right time – basically this is what my favourite young
adult stories are all about)
Three boys fighting over the emotionally
fragile but breathtakingly beautiful protagonist? Check. Kidnapped and tortured
several times just so as to be saved every single time by your soul mate?
Check. As I told you, not an earth rocking debut novel but it has its perks
without being too over the top. Winks.
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