If you want to survive, you have to follow the rules...
Rule 1
Always take the time to fully assess a situation before making a move.
Rule 2
Do it yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.
And the most sacred rule:
Never return to the scene of the crime.
Mikayla has been on the run for all of her life since her mother was one of the top five most sought after criminals for the last ten years. Now that she was murdered, Mikayla ruturns to the crime scene to find a piece of evidence that might reveal the killer's identity and prove her innocence. Though the fugures don't add up and happens to find herself at feud with two cunning bounty hunters. That is her first mistake she has commited for a very long time. The second is that she left behind the letter which included the truth about her mother's ruthless killer. Now she's in the toils with these fortune-seeking guys: Pat who seems to know more about her mother than he admits and who has been after them since she was born, plus don't forget about Shaun to whom she is more attracted than she's supposed to.
"I was dynamite looking for a place to explode."
Kayla has always been a survival after the thorough training of her mother. Until Shaun catches her off guard and ties them together with a shackle so as she can't make a bolt for freedom at her earliest convenience. It doesn't help either that the weird stick-to-each-other couple are on the run round the clock as Shaun is not the only hunter set upon her. Actually several creepy spooks are after them eager to take her down in exchange of a great amount of money.
In the course of their run-away they cannot decide whether to kill each other or kiss each other. Both of them show their vulnaribility because it's quite unimaginable to hide anything in there awkward hook-up.
Can't picture to myself how on earth are two human beings able to stand one another this close for long. I mean it's even hard to tolerate in an everyday occurence when the other rum cove is at arm's lenght. What if above all you have to drag him to the bathroom when you feel the urge to sing on top of your voice out of tune? It's violation of the anything-I-feel-like-it-beacuse-people-can't-judge-me-bathroom-privacy code.
Chemistry prevails against common sense
Evidently she can't resist Shaun's leathal charm and every time they start to make out a pscycho ruins the idill. The typical victim-falling-for her-kidnapper syndrome. Even if the guy has a short fuse and tends to beat up everyone who dare to touche a tender spot. These folks like him usually end up as a wife-beater. But who doesn't have a crush on bad guys...
"Never let your guard down."
"Don’t enter any place that you can be trapped."
"Don’t trust anyone…"
Stick to the rules
Not that a sloppy ending should be carved into stones, but nor does a lame-all-messed-up ending. Yep, she gets to know her biological father. Yep, she gets out of trouble with only bumps and bruises. And yep, she finds her mum's killer. But. Shaun's lied to her. He has had the key to the handcuffs for the whole time and she can't come around it. It's possible she hasn't placed confidence in the right person. Living for the moment instead of making plans is a process though. Carpe diem.
"Bad choices. That’s what had brought us here tonight. Bad choices had nearly destroyed us all. It was time to take a hard look at things and start making good decisions."
Qs but no As
I keep wandering why there's a guy on the cover. Is Mikayla, incidentally the heroine of the story, a chick or did I miss out on something relevant? I have a feeling I'll never know...
I am aware of the shady dealings her mother is mixed up in but what kind of shady things? They don't stop talking about how smart-ass and shrewd she was but I keep guessing why... And I also think she's sort of overrated.
Can't wrap my mind around it
Shaun. Is. Not. Good. For. Her. Or for anyone, as a matter of fact. I'm sorry to say but he has a foul mouth, a give-it-a-shit attitude and a bullying proneness. And I have never disliked a male lead so far. That really sucks. He has deserved the title of the Least-Favored Macho-Man Protagonist on my list. Though it's quite an achievement, I think. Congrats.
How I feel now
I kinda expected more.
3 out of 5
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