Sarah Fine - The Guardian

No matter what came, she would never give up and never surrender.”

Shuffle the cards

Ernie now returned as the Diamondback in her full strength owning a full deck of card, however, it is not so easy to keep the trumps in her right hand, for the other Dealers are not exactly always above board and playing according to Hoyle. Not to mention Gabe, who seems to be two minded about this Immortal deal that prolonged his life with more than a century having no family left. It is actually really moving to see his doubts and his closeness to the final decision of giving his life up to the Forger and it is soo sad to watch Gabe struggling like this. ‘Cause we can’t see but the silver lining of immortality: never-ending the beach parties, immense wealth and a bunch of other stuff, doesn’t it sound fun? But. Here we can observe the depression that evermore casts upon Gabe.
Although Gabe doesn’t get a fair share of the story as much as I’d like, but at least I got the suspense waiting for him to get tangled in the string of this immortal madness. Because I miss him. A lot. And Ernie does too. I heart their ship because it is not perfect at all and they attempt to figure out and realize some kind of compromise in the midst of the treachery and stealth of their fellow card shufflers. Even with all the wits and creativity, she got stuck in another dimension trying to get back to Gabe before all hell breaks loose.

Jumping on my nerves

Kot was obviously a joker in the pack and I welcomed new characters and the best part I didn’t suspect what card he’s got up in his sleeve. That doesn’t relate to Nuria his nuts-grasshopper-girlfriend who Freaked. Me. Out. Ughhh…huge insects touch some soft spot of mine.
As for the long-lost father, he is definitely not playing with his full deck. I don’t dare forebode a great  future for a heartwarming daughter-daddy family reunion as he has too many bad deeds to expiate. I don’t feel too much sympathy for him so it is time to liquidate him as soon as possible, if you ask me.


I kinda lovehate Ernie and Gabe dialogues because while they bring so much tension, I became impatient at the same time and I was like “you know, it is time to realize you’re better together than off and please, PLEASE confess your everlasting undying love for each other and go to bed finally”. What? It is a win-win situation ;)


4 out of 5

I need to admit the tug of wars went a bit haywire, so I’m not quite sure where exactly we stand now but I’ll find out in the third volume I guess.


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